


The List

Monday, March 20, 2006

What You've All Been Waiting For

The List:
  1. I don't like to set my alarm clock to times ending in 0, 5, or any even number.
  2. When drinking through a straw, I keep the bottom tip of the straw in the ice of my drink to allow me to sip the coldest part of the liquid.
  3. Drinks are never cold enough for me.
  4. When preparing for bed, I have to brush my teeth before I wash my face. If the reverse occurs, I'll simply do both again to correct the mistake.
  5. I watch the Weather Channel for entertainment.
  6. Apparently, I talk to myself. Like, outloud. I’ll mutter things to myself when I’m not paying attention.
  7. At any time in my hours of being awake, there's a 63% chance that I am afflicted by some form of a head or stomach ache.
  8. I actually took the time to test and calculate that.
  9. I have a very small mouth, very small organs, and very small ears.
  10. I hate the term that's a synonym for "something that really irks you". I refuse to type it out because I cringe at reading or hearing it, but if you don't know what I'm referring to, you're out of luck.
  11. I think that intelligence is much sexier than physical appearance.
  12. "Pretty", to me, requires that the person have a great personality accompanying an attractive physical appearance.
  13. I don't like candy.
  14. I hate drinking directly from cans.
  15. I consider myself an ice connoisseur.
  16. I'm engaged to inanimate objects. A lot of them.
  17. Bottled water makes me sick.
  18. I used to microwave my ice cream.
  19. I tend to eat macaroni and cheese with ketchup or barbeque sauce.
  20. When stopping at a stop light, I always switch lanes to be in the shortest line, regardless of whether or not my turn is on the other side. I’d rather be in the shorter line than make my turn.
  21. I still use small spoons and small forks because the normal-sized forks and spoons are too big for me.
  22. I make a clicking noise with my tongue when I’m thinking.
  23. At restaurants, I always know what I want before I open the menu, yet I read through the entire thing anyway, just to decide on what I had already determined I was going to eat.
  24. I never sewed my Girl Scout patches onto my uniform. Instead, I kept them in a small bag and carried it around with me to Girl Scout functions.
  25. I decided not to go to History (in college) for 2 weeks to see if I could do well on my test without going to class. I made an 87.
  26. I don’t like regular Cheetos, but I love “Flamin’ Hot” Cheetos.
  27. I don’t want to have to actually give birth to children, even though I want them to genetically be mine and I want to carry them. I just wish there were some other way...
  28. I want to learn Latin because it’s fairly impractical.
  29. I can tolerate most cereals, but the only one I truly like is Berry Berry Kix.
  30. I have a scar in the shape of a “W” underneath my lower lip.
  31. I greatly dislike sandwiches of all flavors.
  32. When I’m talking, sometimes I’ll make a strange sound with my tongue after a sentence. I can’t describe it, and I don’t know why I do it, but I do.
  33. If I think that it was even possible that I hit an animal while driving, including frogs, I burst into tears.
  34. I’ve won two spelling bees.
  35. When driving around, I have to count the legs on signs in groups of 10. I keep going until I get to an area where there aren’t anymore signs, and I ended on an even 10. I also do this with car tires.
  36. My regular body temperature is 96.4.
  37. I used to get a stomach or head ache almost every day in grade school, painful to the point that I couldn’t function.
  38. I only own one pair of jeans. (Now I own 2! But so far I’ve only worn one of them and it has been two weeks since I bought them…)
  39. My hair is actually naturally curly. I do have photographic evidence of this on my fridge at home, in case you don’t believe me.
  40. My feet haven’t grown since the 8th grade.
  41. There is some sort of wartish looking thing on my right wrist, but it’s very small, has no coloration, and I’ve had it since sophomore year. I have no clue what it is.
  42. A nap, to me, includes when I sleep during the night.
  43. I think my feet are cute.
  44. I use stronger words to describe situations, even though I mean otherwise. Like, I’ll say “I lied” in reference to saying something that was said incorrectly, though I was unaware of its incorrect…ness.
  45. When walking, I can’t breathe through my nose because my nostrils are too small to vacuum in enough air to support the increased breathing due to increased heart rate.
  46. I play video games, which the average girl doesn’t do.
  47. I’m good at them.
  48. I love fruit, but I greatly dislike fruit drinks. (Sodas not included)
  49. I have some really really strange fears.
  50. When eating cereal, I sometimes actually get a measuring cup to measure out ¾ a cup of cereal to meet the serving size, then add ½ cup of milk just to follow directions.
  51. My favorite color is pink, but I think it looks bad on me.
  52. When I drop something, I try to decrease the impact velocity it will receive by catching it with my foot, which not only cushions it, but allows it to fall from a shorter distance. I think it’s partly just a soccer reflex.
  53. I have had 3 best friends named Ashley. Ashley Farrar lasted for 8 years, Ashley Carpenter lasted for 3 years, and Ashley Kloesel has lasted for 4 years.
  54. My parents planned on naming me Austin until I came out to be a girl. Then my mom changed her mind, but my dad still wanted to name me Austin. I was with my dad on that one.
  55. I’m not particularly fond of my name, but I’d never change it because my mommy gave it to me. It’s the present that I could never lose or break. 10 points for that gift, Mom.
  56. I actually created a blog for my mother.
  57. Usually when I say “um” twice in a row, with a pause between them, I’m not even listening to what I’m saying, so you might as well just tune me out.
  58. Radiohead makes me happy, which is the opposite of depressed for you emo kids out there.
  59. I swish around my drinks every time before I take a sip.
  60. I wipe my mouth and hands after every bite I take.
  61. I practice touching my eyes so I’ll get over my fear of having to watch other people touch their eyes.
  62. My ears are too small to hold my iPod headphones.
  63. I tend to reset the number of plays in my iTunes that I’ve played far more than other songs.
  64. When I’ve listened to a song on a CD 10 times or more, I have to listen to all the other songs on that CD just as many times, and from then on all the songs must have the same number of play counts.
  65. When playing board games, if I have the opportunity to make someone else lose a turn, I don’t take it because I feel bad taking someone’s turn away.
  66. Sometimes I buy ugly things because I feel bad that they’ll never get purchased otherwise.
  67. I can recite Disney’s “The Lion King” in its entirety, including the songs.
  68. At one point I tried to memorize the first Lord of the Rings movie.
  69. I am constantly running my fingers over my lips for no reason whatsoever.
  70. I actually throw my head back in laughter, often.
  71. I pronounce the “t” in “often”.
  72. I don’t like to consider a movie one of my favorites until I’ve seen it at least twice.
  73. I knit.
  74. I… um… I used to watch Star Trek… a lot…
  75. I collect stickers, and I’ll never use them for anything.
  76. If it were up to me, I’d repaint and redecorate my room every 3-6 months because I get so bored of my surroundings so easily.
  77. I don't like females to touch my face.
  78. The only songs that can make me cry are country songs.
  79. I don’t like to wear mascara on my bottom eyelashes because I think it makes them look too long. Yes, that does kind of defeat the purpose.
  80. I always have to shower after naps.
  81. I really really really like brushing my teeth.
  82. For my Spring Break countdown, when there were only 2 days left, instead of writing “2” like any normal person, I wrote “<3”>
  83. I have never lost a Pokemon card duel.
  84. I actually admitted that.
  85. I read my Meteorology book for fun.
  86. When I was about 7 I figured out a way to tell what was going to move in different scenes in cartoons, which allowed me to predict what would happen, and therefore I started to lose interest in cartoons.
  87. I can’t watch Bambi because I cry hysterically. Trust me.
  88. One of my ears is noticeably smaller than the other.
  89. I gauge who my true friends are by who will visit me while I’m in a coma and who will cry when they find out I died. Morbid? Yes.
  90. For a good 4 years of my life, I honestly thought I had a brain tumor.
  91. I’ve played soccer for 14 years of my life. I made it to the highest level of soccer, and played on many special teams, and was always a starter, but I still can’t juggle a soccer ball.
  92. I’m absurdly obsessed with hygiene, but my room is a mess.
  93. I’m always hungry. Always. If I just ate an hour ago, I’m still hungry.
  94. I once started to tear up because someone’s grammar was so bad. True story.
  95. I’ve had a guitar for 2 ½ years, and I still only know how to play four chords.
  96. I cringe when people turn on their blinkers just as they’re turning. Eeee. Just thinking about it…
  97. I have this weird thing about how I need people to be using their brights and night, just so they can turn them off as I approach them. It gives me a weird satisfaction, and without it I get all flustered and bothered.
  98. I have a really hard time turning down favors.
  99. There’s one that I’m not going to put down here because it’s just something no one really wants to know, but you can sleep easy at night know that there really is a 99. I mean, it’s weird enough for me to include on the list, but it’s just information that no one wants to know.
  100. I actually made this list.
Yeah, I'm strange. But then, who isn't? If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Like, number 86 is a little hard to understand, and explain for that matter. And, if you really really really want to know 99, you could ask me, but you'd have to really want to know. In truth, there are a couple that I left out, but for the sake of space and even numbers I let them slide.